"I'm writing my life." ~ 58%
I cannot let Black History Month end without a spotlight on one of the best urban fiction authors to ever grace bookshelves around the world: Mr. Donald Goines.
In spite of growing up in a two-parent stable household, being heir to a legit family business and a Catholic school education, Donald Goines was pulled into the lure of the streets. Born in Detroit, he lived the life of a street hustler: pimping, boosting, drugs, stealing and gambling. It was during one of his prison stays that he began to draw on his own life experiences to write an impressive catalog of sixteen fiction novels in only three years, all while high on heroin at the typewriter.
In this updated biography, previously published 20 years ago, Eddie B. Allen Jr. intends to commemorate Donald Goines' life and lasting legacy. It begins with an extensive recount of The Great Migration to his high school dropout years, military service, smack (heroin) addiction, criminal stint, author status, family life and unexpected violent death. The book ends with Allen Jr.'s visit to Detroit Memorial Cemetery where Donald Goines is buried, speculation about the double murder, research used and contact with relatives. The Epilogue is the best part of the whole book.
"It was the streets, ironically, that helped stage Donnie's brief but memorable literary career." ~ 3%
Low Road is not what I expected. I wanted to read about Donald Goines' childhood, adulthood, addiction and journey to become a writer. Instead, the book is largely about American history, social justice, racism, war, a nod to Detroit and very little about what is not already publicly known about Donald Goines. I appreciate the author giving context about the state of affairs during pivotal points in Goines' life but it reads like an in-depth history lesson of the United States. Not what I'm here for!
Lastly, I cannot give an opinion on the Foreword by the late, great DMX because it was not included in my ARC. It is mentioned in the description and on the cover page so I was expecting and looking forward to what DMX had to say about Goines. Yet another letdown. Readers can gain a better sense of Donald Goines' by reading between the lines of his bestelling novels like Whoreson, Dopefiend, and Never Die Alone.
Happy Early Re-Pub Day, Eddie B. Allen Jr.! Low Road will be available Tuesday, March 25.
Disclaimer: An advance copy was received directly from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are my own and would be the same if I spent my hard-earned coins. ~LiteraryMarieTitle:
Low Road: The Life and Legacy of Donald GoinesAuthor: Eddie B. Allen Jr.
Re-Published: March 2025
Pages: 202
Edition: Galley
Genre: Biography
Rating: 🖤 🖤