February 28, 2025

First Lines Friday

First Lines Friday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.
  • Grab your current read(s).
  • Share the first line(s).
  • Include the title and author.

"The only thing I know about my grandmother's home is that it's in an isolated area of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Zirconia, North Carolina."

~ Happy Land by Dolen Perkins-Valdez 

February 26, 2025

Low Road

"I'm writing my life." ~ 58%

I cannot let Black History Month end without a spotlight on one of the best urban fiction authors to ever grace bookshelves around the world: Mr. Donald Goines.

In spite of growing up in a two-parent stable household, being heir to a legit family business and a Catholic school education, Donald Goines was pulled into the lure of the streets. Born in Detroit, he lived the life of a street hustler: pimping, boosting, drugs, stealing and gambling. It was during one of his prison stays that he began to draw on his own life experiences to write an impressive catalog of sixteen fiction novels in only three years, all while high on heroin at the typewriter. 

In this updated biography, previously published 20 years ago, Eddie B. Allen Jr. intends to commemorate Donald Goines' life and lasting legacy. It begins with an extensive recount of The Great Migration to his high school dropout years, military service, smack (heroin) addiction, criminal stint, author status, family life and unexpected violent death. The book ends with Allen Jr.'s visit to Detroit Memorial Cemetery where Donald Goines is buried, speculation about the double murder, research used and contact with relatives. The Epilogue is the best part of the whole book.

"It was the streets, ironically, that helped stage Donnie's brief but memorable literary career." ~ 3%

Low Road is not what I expected. I wanted to read about Donald Goines' childhood, adulthood, addiction and journey to become a writer. Instead, the book is largely about American history, social justice, racism, war, a nod to Detroit and very little about what is not already publicly known about Donald Goines. I appreciate the author giving context about the state of affairs during pivotal points in Goines' life but it reads like an in-depth history lesson of the United States. Not what I'm here for!

Lastly, I cannot give an opinion on the Foreword by the late, great DMX because it was not included in my ARC. It is mentioned in the description and on the cover page so I was expecting and looking forward to what DMX had to say about Goines. Yet another letdown. Readers can gain a better sense of Donald Goines' by reading between the lines of his bestelling novels like Whoreson, Dopefiend, and Never Die Alone.

Happy Early Re-Pub Day, Eddie B. Allen Jr.! Low Road will be available Tuesday, March 25.

Disclaimer: An advance copy was received directly from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are my own and would be the same if I spent my hard-earned coins. ~LiteraryMarie

Title: Low Road: The Life and Legacy of Donald Goines
Author: Eddie B. Allen Jr.
Re-Published: March 2025
Pages: 202
Edition: Galley
Genre: Biography
Rating: 🖤 🖤

February 25, 2025


"Love and jealousy made people do crazy things." ~ pg. 168

Bestselling author Connie Briscoe returns with a retelling of Daphne Du Maurier's classic Rebecca. This tale of domestic suspense centers around a whirlwind romance that culminates in a quick marriage between private chef Angel and a Black billionnaire named Everett. Once she moves into the massive mansion located along the Potomac River, Angel discovers he is haunted by his first wife's death and begins to question what really happened to Chloe. Things aren't adding up. Everett is not answering questions. And no one seems able to let Chloe go.

I read Rebecca umpteen years ago but still remember the premise. There are multiple retellings and even a Netflix production for those that want a quick refresher of the story. Chloe is the first that I know of that features Black main characters. Love this for us!

Unfortunately that is where my love for this story stopped. It starts off rather boring and is too predictable. Angel ignored all the red flags making it harder to empathize and like her. The ending, to say the least, is unsatisfying and abrupt. It was a struggle to stay interested enough to finish, but I did on the strength of the author being thee Connie Briscoe. Fans of the author may want to skip this new release and re-read her earlier works instead. I, on the other hand, am going to re-read the original Rebecca.

Happy Early Pub Day, Connie Briscoe! Chloe will be available Tuesday, March 18.

Disclaimer: An advance copy was received directly from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are my own and would be the same if I spent my hard-earned coins. ~LiteraryMarie

Title: Chloe
Author: Connie Briscoe
Published: March 2025
Pages: 186
Edition: Galley
Genre: Domestic Suspense
Rating: 🖤 🖤

February 23, 2025

Series Sunday: The Chow Maniac

(Noodle Shop Mystery #11) 

Series Sunday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.
  • Read an installment of a series.
  • Share your review/recommendation below.
  • Include the title, author and series name.

My Series Sunday pick is The Chow Maniac, the 11th book in the Noodle Shop mystery series by Vivien Chien. There is dissension in the ranks of a century-old Asian organization known as the Eight Immortals. Each member holds an artifact and someone is dying to own them all. Three members have already died under seemingly natural circumstances, but one of the members suspects they are actually murders and that he may be next. Enter the return of Lydia, a private investigator that enlists the help of Lana (manager of Ho-Lee Noodle House) to help solve the case with her close ties to the community.

"It was one of those earth-shattering moments where if I had been drinking coffee, I would have sprayed it out of my mouth every which way. It was something I hadn't seen coming nor could have guessed at by a long shot." ~ pg. 226

Bookhearts may read this as a standalone or in series order. Why? Because Vivien Chien knows how to do a proper series introduction. In the first few paragraphs, readers are introduced to the main character, the setting and a brief recap. Too many other authors miss this important step by assuming all readers are familiar with the series and just jump right in. Or that existing readers of the series remember everything and everyone from previous books. So thanks to Vivien Chien for doing it right!

The Chow Maniac has all the necessary elements of a cozy mystery: a relatable amateur sleuth (Lana), food (pineapple cakes, asian noodles and pork dumplings), colorful cast of characters (Mahjong Matrons), a charming setting (Asia Village), romance (Detective Adam), a dog (pug named Kikkoman), light tone, non-gory murder, false pretenses and plenty red herrings. There is also a dose of Chinese mythology that brings intrigue to the story. Although some chapters can be wordy, Chien delivers another good read in the Noodle Shop mystery series. The Chow Maniac has my stamp of recommendation!

Happy Early Pub Day, Vivien Chien! The Chow Maniac will be available Tuesday, April 1.

Disclaimer: An advance copy was received directly from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are my own and would be the same if I spent my hard-earned coins. ~LiteraryMarie

Author: Vivien Chien
Published: April 2025
Pages: 265
Edition: Galley
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Rating: 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤

February 21, 2025

First Lines Friday

First Lines Friday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.
  • Grab your current read(s).
  • Share the first line(s).
  • Include the title and author.

"There it was again. The nightmare. Creeping up, invading."

~ Chloe by Connie Briscoe 

February 19, 2025

Lit Tidbits: Pithy Picks XVIII

Hey, Bookhearts! Pithy Picks are a bookish meme created to help you quickly find books that are worth your time and coins. Today's pithy picks are giving meh with one extraordinary exception.

Author: Duduzile Noeleen Ngwenya
Published: August 2022
Pithy Review: I'm not a fan of poetry. Never have been. But there are certain books in poem format that I give a try if highly recommended by Bookhearts. Such is the case here. Don't be fooled by the simple cover. I highlighted so many passages in this book that I started writing quotes on sticky notes as reminders and writing in my planner as affirmations. Beautifully written. Spoken straight to the readers' heart providing a boost of self-love, self-esteem and healing.
Quote"If it doesn't feel mutually beneficial anymore, let it go." ~ pg. 15
Recommend or Nah? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Title: The Crash
 Freida McFadden
Published: January 2016
Pithy Review: I'mma ride with Chickadee and temporarily hop off the Freida McFadden train. Give her a little break. The glass of red Kool-aid is empty and I don't want a refill. It was once thrilling to read her books with twists I never saw coming. Now you're playing in my face with exaggerated twists that make no logic sense. The premise is realistic and starts off fine; a woman eight months pregnant crashes her car in a snow blizzard but is rescued by a couple offering a warm safe haven until the snow clears. But then it becomes an eye-rolling reading experience with a predictable yet ridiculous conclusion. Focus on your professional medical career for a while instead of cranking out books every quarter because the quality is suffering, Freida girl.
Quote"I've listened to enough true crime podcasts to know where this is going." ~ pg. 64
Recommend or Nah? ⭐️⭐️

Author: Trisha R. Thomas
Published: June 2024
Pithy Review: Bailey Dowery is a Black dressmaker with the gift of second sight. Set in 1954 Oklahoma, Bailey is in high demand. It is safer to stay out of white folks' business but Bailey reluctantly reveals the true intentions and loves of her socialite clients until one day, she becomes a silent witness to a crime. The synopsis had me thinking that Bailey was the main character but it just as equally centered about Elsa, a young white bride. Not what I expected so it was just an okay read.
Quote"Strong women and weak women. You know what the difference is between them? Choices." ~ pg. 191
Recommend or Nah? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Author: Eve with Kathy Iandoli
Published: September 2024
Pithy Review: Eve was, and still is, that girl. From being the First Lady of Ruff Ryders, to having Prince on speed dial then becoming half of a power couple. This memoir glosses over her journey to superstardom revealing nothing new. She shares experiences going from Philly to Hollywood with an obvious barrier of remaining private. I question why she bothered with writing a memoir to begin with if unwilling to be transparent. I feel she had a lot of life experiences and struggles that other women could learn from and relate to. It's a shame she missed the opportunity to connect with fans.
Quote"There's this thing about receiving messages from a higher power, where anyone can be tapped in to send the message, but you have to be open to receiving it." ~ pg. 45
Recommend or Nah? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

February 18, 2025

Firstborn Girls

"If damned if you do and damned if you don't were a people, those people would be Black." ~ 79%

On September 27, 1967, award-winning author and creative writing teacher Bernice L. McFadden died at the age of two years old. She was resuscitated and rescued from a flaming car wreckage. In this new memoir, she chronicles her life from that moment to when she published her first novel, Sugar. Heavily influenced by Alice Walker and Toni Morrison, Bernice writes with care about her descendants, self and offspring.

Firstborn Girls is a true story of mother-daughter bonds, generational trauma, inherited family secrets and fierce love. Bernice takes us from the very beginning of her angelcestors to motherhood. The setting spans from Detroit to Brooklyn to Barbados. It is moreso a family history in novel format than a personal memoir, yet it beautifully defines the woman Bernice L. McFadden has become based on her family's past. It celebrates Black families while acknowledging historical events, much like a handmade quilt passed down through generations.

I recommend Firstborn Girls for fans of literature and memoirs.

Happy Early Pub Day, Bernice L. McFadden! Firstborn Girls will be available Tuesday, March 4.

Disclaimer: An advance copy was received directly from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are my own and would be the same if I spent my hard-earned coins. ~LiteraryMarie

Title: Firstborn Girls
Author: Bernice L. McFadden
Published: March 2025
Pages: 400
Edition: Galley
Genre: Memoir
Rating: 🖤 🖤 🖤